(function() {
'REPOSITORY : https://github.com/SethClydesdale/gifactif';
'SEARCH API BY : https://github.com/Giphy/GiphyAPI';
// return if gifactif has been initialized
if (window.gifactif) {
if (window.console && console.warn) {
console.warn('gifactif has already been initialized');
// setup global object
window.gifactif = {
key : 'dc6zaTOxFJmzC', // PUBLIC BETA KEY
limit : 26, // max image results
delay : 200, // delay before searches commence (200ms)
auto_close : true,
// general language settings
lang : {
searching : 'جاري البحث ....',
not_found : 'لا يوجد نتائج.. <img src="http://illiweb.com/fa/i/smiles/icon_sad.gif" style="margin:0;vertical-align:middle;"/>'
// dropdown markup
dropDown : $(
'<input type="text" id="gifactif_search" placeholder="ابحث عن صورة..." style="width:90%;"/>'+
'<div id="gifactif_results" onscroll="gifactif.scrolling(this);"><div id="gifactif_images"></div></div>'+
'<div id="giphy_attribution_mark"></div>'+
// initial setup of the SCEditor command
init : function () {
if ($.sceditor && window.toolbar) {
// set the gifactif command
$.sceditor.command.set('gifactif', {
tooltip : 'ابحث عن صورة',
// Dropdown and general functionality for gifactif
dropDown : function (editor, caller, callback) {
gifactif.editor = editor;
gifactif.callback = callback;
editor.createDropDown(caller, 'gifactif', gifactif.dropDown);
$('#gifactif_search', gifactif.dropDown)[0].focus(); // focus the search area
exec : function(caller) {
var editor = this;
$.sceditor.command.get('gifactif').dropDown(editor, caller, function(gif) {
editor.insert('[img]' + gif + '[/img]');
txtExec : function(caller) {
var editor = this;
$.sceditor.command.get('gifactif').dropDown(editor, caller, function(gif) {
editor.insertText('[img]' + gif + '[/img]');
// add gifactif to the editor toolbar
toolbar = toolbar.replace('image,', 'image,gifactif,');
// add CSS for button image and dropdown
'<style type="text/css">'+
'.sceditor-button-gifactif div { background-image:url(http://i35.servimg.com/u/f35/18/21/60/73/giphy10.png) !important; }'+
'.sceditor-button-gifactif:after, .sceditor-button-gifactif:before { content:""; }'+ // Forumactif Edge override
'#gifactif_results { width:300px; margin:10px auto; min-height:30px; max-height:300px; overflow-x:hidden; overflow-y:auto; }'+
'.gifactif_imagelist { line-height:0; column-count:2; column-gap:3px; }'+
'.gifactif_imagelist img { margin-bottom:3px; cursor:pointer; width:100%; }'+
'html #giphy_attribution_mark { background:url(http://i35.servimg.com/u/f35/18/21/60/73/powere11.png) no-repeat 50% 50% transparent !important; height:22px !important; width:100%; !important; min-width:200px !important; display:block !important; visibility:visible !important; opacity:1 !important; }'+
// search for a GIPHY gif
search : function (query) {
if (gifactif.timeout) {
gifactif.abort(); // abort ongoing searches and requests
if (query) {
// set a small timeout in case the user is still typing
gifactif.timeout = window.setTimeout(function() {
gifactif.reset(true, gifactif.lang.searching);
gifactif.query = encodeURIComponent(query);
gifactif.request = $.get('http://api.giphy.com/v1/gifs/search?q=' + gifactif.query + '&limit=' + gifactif.limit + '&rating=pg-13&api_key=' + gifactif.key, function(data) {
// update global data such as page offsets for scrolling
gifactif.request = null;
gifactif.offset = data.pagination.offset + gifactif.limit;
gifactif.offset_total = data.pagination.total_count;
gifactif.reset(true); // reset HTML content
gifactif.addGIF(data); // send data to be parsed
}, gifactif.delay);
} else {
// abort ongoing searches and requests
abort : function () {
if (gifactif.timeout) {
gifactif.timeout = null;
if (gifactif.request) {
gifactif.request = null;
// add gifs to the result list
addGIF : function (data, loadMore) {
// setup data and begin parsing results
var gif = data.data,
i = 0,
j = gif.length,
list = $('<div class="gifactif_imagelist" />')[0];
if (j) {
for (; i < j; i++) {
list.appendChild($('<img id="' + gif[i].id + '" src="' + gif[i].images.fixed_width.url + '" />').click(gifactif.insert)[0]);
} else if (!loadMore) {
gifactif.reset(true, gifactif.lang.not_found);
// add results to the result list
$('#gifactif_results', gifactif.dropDown).append(list);
// listen to the scrolling so we can add more gifs when the user reaches the bottom
scrolling : function (that) {
if (that.scrollHeight - that.scrollTop === that.clientHeight) {
// load more results once the user has scrolled through the last results
loadMore : function () {
if (gifactif.offset < gifactif.offset_total) {
gifactif.request = $.get('http://api.giphy.com/v1/gifs/search?q=' + gifactif.query + '&offset=' + gifactif.offset + '&limit=' + gifactif.limit + '&rating=pg-13&api_key=' + gifactif.key, function(data) {
gifactif.request = null;
gifactif.offset = data.pagination.offset + gifactif.limit;
gifactif.offset_total = data.pagination.total_count;
gifactif.addGIF(data, true); // send data to be parsed
// inserts the gif into the editor
insert : function () {
// add the gif to the editor and close the dropdown
gifactif.callback('http://media0.giphy.com/media/' + this.id + '/giphy.gif');
if (gifactif.auto_close) {
// reset the dropdown fields
reset : function (resultsOnly, newContent) {
$('#gifactif_results', gifactif.dropDown).html(newContent ? newContent : '');
if (!resultsOnly) {
$('#gifactif_search', gifactif.dropDown).val('');
// bind keyup event to search input
$('#gifactif_search', gifactif.dropDown)[0].onkeyup = function(e) {
var k = e.keyCode;
// ignore specific key inputs to prevent unnecessary requests
if (k && (k == 16 || k == 17 || k == 18 || k == 20 || k == 37 || k == 38 || k == 39 || k == 40)) {
} else {
// initilize gifactif
بالتوفيق للجميع
يرجى ذكر المصدر عند النقل
شركة انكور التطويرية
والسلام ختام