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Diabetes and diet in Ramadan.

Basil Abdallah

عضو جديد
عضو انكور

Ramadan, the month of fasting, is observed by Muslims all over the world. Fasting is obligatory for all healthy ....... Muslims which amounts to refraining from eating and drinking from predawn to sunset. The dietary patterns therefore totally change. For people with diabetes, instead of taking 5-6 meals, it is reduced to 2 or 3 meals in 24 hours. Good glycaemic control can be accomplished by people with diabetes, maintaining appropriate diets. It is suggested that during Ramadan similar general dietary guidelines should be followed as those throughout the year. The pre dawn meal should be taken as late as possible, before the start of the fast and should have a high proportion of carbohydrates with fibre. The traditional sugar drinks and foods rich in fat taken at iftar should be avoided. The evening meal or dinner should be consumed as early as possible at iftar and contain whole wheat flour chapattis, vegetables and a meat dish. Salads increase the fiber intake. A glass of milk or fruit at bedtime will maintain normoglycaemia till suhur.


Ramadan, Fasting, Suhur, High fibre.

ما هو انكور؟

هو منتدى عربي تطويري يرتكز على محتويات عديدة لاثراء الانترنت العربي، وتقديم الفائدة لرواد الانترنت بكل ما يحتاجوه لمواقعهم ومنتدياتهم واعمالهم المهنية والدراسية. ستجد لدينا كل ما هو حصري وكل ما هو مفيد ويساعدك على ان تصل الى وجهتك، مجانًا.