لوحة الادارة مظهر المنتدى - ورقة الـ css وقم باضافة الكود التالي
#similarTopics {
width: 500px;
background: #E1EBF2;
padding: 5px 10px;
border-radius: 5px;
margin: 5px 0 0 10em;
#similarTopics .spinner,
#similarTopics .topic-container,
#similarTopics .similarTopics-title {
display: none;
#similarTopics .spinner.visible,
#similarTopics .similarTopics-title.visible,
#similarTopics .topic-container.visible {
display: block;
#similarTopics .topic {
display: flex;
border-bottom: 1px solid white;
padding: 5px 0;
margin: 5px 0;
#similarTopics .topic:last-child {
border-bottom: none;
#similarTopics .topic-data {
flex: 1;
#similarTopics .topic-flags {
align-items: center;
margin-right: 10px;
position: relative;
#similarTopics .topic-icon {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
bottom: 0;
right: 0;
background: transparent 50% 50% no-repeat;
#similarTopics .similarTopics-title {
border-bottom: 1px solid #0076b1;
color: #0076b1;
font-size: .9em;
margin: .5em 0;
text-transform: uppercase;
#similarTopics .topic-status {
width: 27px;
height: 27px;
background: transparent 0 0 no-repeat;
ومن ثم
لوحة الادارة - العناصر الاضافية - ادارة اكواد javascript
اضف كود جديد
المكان : كل الصفحات
/* The following code is DOM-dependent. It may not work if you modify the posting structure in the forum templates */
var FLRX = FLRX || {};
FLRX.similarTopics = (function () {
'use strict';
let settings = { // default settings
forums : [],
searchIn : false,
maxTopics : 5,
wordMinLength: 4,
autocomplete: false, // disable browser autocomplete from subject input
/* Advanced settings */
excludedCharacters : new RegExp(/[.,\/#!$%\^&\*¿?!¡;:{}\\=\-_`~"«“‘’”»()\[\]]/, 'g'), // The ignored characters from the topic title.
dom : { // default settings (should work if left like this with unmodified templates)
/* Search page */
topicscontainer : '.forabg',
topic : 'dd.dterm',
infocontainer : '.span-tab',
titlelink : '.topictitle',
userlink : 'a[href^="/u"]',
forumlink : 'a[href^="/f"]',
topicicon : 'dl.icon',
/* structure */
visible : 'visible',
/* posting page */
titleinput : '#postingbox input[name="subject"]',
inputcontainer : 'dl',
/* created elements */
maincontainer : $('<div />', { id : 'similarTopics' }),
similartopiccont : $('<div />', { class : 'topic-container' }),
loadingelm : $('<div />', { class : 'spinner' })
.append($('<div/>', { class:'double-bounce1' }))
.append($('<div/>', { class:'double-bounce2' })),
topicelmcont : $('<div />', { class: 'topic' }),
topicelmtitle : $('<div />', { class: 'topic-title' }),
topicdatacont : $('<div />', { class: 'topic-data' }),
topicflags : $('<div />', { class: 'topic-flags' }),
topiciconcont : $('<div />', { class: 'topic-icon' }),
topicstatus : $('<div />', { class: 'topic-status' }),
topicelminfo : $('<div />', { class: 'topic-info' }),
topicauthor : $('<span />', { class: 'topic-author', text: 'by ' }),
topicforum : $('<span />', { class: 'topic-forum', text: ' in ' }),
similarstitle : $('<h4 />', { class: 'similarTopics-title', text: 'لقد تم استخدام هذا العنوان من قبل - راجع الرابط التالي حتى لا يكون الموضوع مكرر' }),
structure = {},
debounce = function(cb, delay) {
let timeout;
return function(...a) {
timeout = setTimeout( _ => { timeout = null; cb.call(this, ...a); }, delay);
/* transforms a UTF8-encoded URI into Windows-1252 */
sanitizeURI = function(uri) {
/* For some reason Forumotion uses Windows-1252 encoding in search URIs.
This workaround will only fix issues with Spanish characters */
return uri.replace(/%C3%91/g, '%D1') // Ñ
.replace(/%C3%B1/g, '%F1') // ñ
.replace(/%C3%81/g, '%C1') // Á
.replace(/%C3%89/g, '%C9') // É
.replace(/%C3%8D/g, '%CD') // Í
.replace(/%C3%93/g, '%D3') // Ó
.replace(/%C3%9A/g, '%DA') // Ú
.replace(/%C3%9C/g, '%DC') // Ü
.replace(/%C3%A1/g, '%E1') // á
.replace(/%C3%A9/g, '%E9') // é
.replace(/%C3%AD/g, '%ED') // í
.replace(/%C3%B3/g, '%F3') // ó
.replace(/%C3%BA/g, '%FA') // ú
.replace(/%C3%BC/g, '%FC'); // ü
/* returns an object array (representation of topics) from a search URL synchronously */
searchTopics = function(url, cb) {
url : url,
}).done(function(data) {
let relatedTopics = [],
$forabg = $(settings.dom.topicscontainer, data);
if($forabg.length) {
$forabg.find(settings.dom.topic).slice(0, settings.maxTopics).each(function() {
let $this = $(this),
$topictitle = $this.find(settings.dom.titlelink),
$spantab = $this.find(settings.dom.infocontainer),
$forumlink = $spantab.find(settings.dom.forumlink),
$userlink = $spantab.find(settings.dom.userlink),
$topicicon = $this.closest(settings.dom.topicicon);
title : $topictitle.text().trim(),
url : $topictitle.attr('href'),
icon : $this.css('background-image').slice(4, -1),
status : $topicicon.css('background-image').length
? $topicicon.css('background-image').slice(4, -1)
: false,
forum : {
name : $forumlink.text(),
url : $forumlink.attr('href'),
user : {
name : $userlink.text(),
url : $userlink.attr('href'),
cb.call(this, relatedTopics);
}).fail(_ => {let up; throw up || false});
/* returns an array with the words of a string that fulfil conditions of settings.excludedCharacters */
getWords = function(str) {
return str.trim().replace(settings.excludedCharacters, '').split(' ').filter(elm => elm.length >= settings.wordMinLength);
/* updates the similar topics DOM structure with the ones in the input array */
updateDOM = function(arr) {
if(arr.length) {
let docfrag = document.createDocumentFragment();
$.each(arr, function(index, topic) {
let $topicTitle = settings.dom.topicelmtitle.clone(),
$topicContainer = settings.dom.topicelmcont.clone(),
$topicInfo = settings.dom.topicelminfo.clone(),
$topicauthor = settings.dom.topicauthor.clone(),
$topicstatus = settings.dom.topicstatus.clone(),
$topicforum = settings.dom.topicforum.clone(),
$topicflags = settings.dom.topicflags.clone(),
$topicdata = settings.dom.topicdatacont.clone(),
$topicicon = settings.dom.topiciconcont.clone(),
/* link creation */
$topicLink = $('<a />', { href: topic.url, text: topic.title }),
$forumlink = $('<a />', { href: topic.forum.url, text: topic.forum.name }),
$authorlink = $('<a />', { href: topic.user.url, text: topic.user.name });
$topicicon.css('background-image', `url('${ topic.icon }')`);
topic.status && $topicstatus.css('background-image', `url('${ topic.status }')`);
$topicInfo.append($topicauthor, $topicforum);
$topicdata.append($topicTitle, $topicInfo);
$topicflags.append($topicstatus, $topicicon);
$topicContainer.append($topicflags, $topicdata);
} else
setLoadingStatus = function() {
topicsRetrieved = function (){
searchAlgorithm = function(words, cb) {
let params = {
search_where : settings.searchIn || `f${/\?f=(\d+)/.exec(location.search)[1]}`,
show_results : 'topics',
sort_by : 0,
sort_dir : 'DESC',
search_terms : 'all',
search_keywords : words.join(' '),
searchTopics(`/search?${sanitizeURI($.param(params))}`, function(arr) {
let relatedTopics = arr;
if(relatedTopics.length < settings.maxTopics) {
params.search_terms = 'any';
searchTopics(`/search?${sanitizeURI($.param(params))}`, function(arr) {
let searchAnyWord = arr,
neededElms = settings.maxTopics - relatedTopics.length;
searchAnyWord = searchAnyWord.filter(elm => relatedTopics.find(e => e.url == elm.url) === undefined); // Ignore duplicates
relatedTopics = [...relatedTopics, ...searchAnyWord.slice(0, neededElms)];
cb.call(this, relatedTopics);
cb.call(this, relatedTopics);
/* main function */
searchSimilarTopics = function($title) {
let words = getWords($title.val());
if(words.length == 0)
// for the first time, if it was hidden
searchAlgorithm(words, function(arr) {
generateStructure = function($title) {
let $similarTopics = settings.dom.maincontainer.clone(),
$spinner = settings.dom.loadingelm.clone(),
$topicsContainer = settings.dom.similartopiccont.clone(),
$recentsTitle = settings.dom.similarstitle.clone();
structure = {
maincontainer : $similarTopics,
loadingcontainer : $spinner,
topiccontainer : $topicsContainer,
recentstitle : $recentsTitle,
$similarTopics.append($spinner, $recentsTitle, $topicsContainer);
init = function(options) {
$.extend(true, settings, options);
let timeout,
$title = $(settings.dom.titleinput);
$title.attr('autocomplete', 'off');
// append the basic dom structure (should be hidden by default with CSS)
$title.on('keypress', debounce(function(e) {
if(e.which !== 0)
}, 500));
/* API :-) */
return {
init : init,
!function() {
const settings = {
forums : [1,2,3,4,5,6,7], // Forum IDs (separated by comma) where the "Similar Topics" feature will be enabled. Set to true to enable the feature everywhere (not recommended).
searchIn : '-1', // Where the searches will take place. Use -1 to search everywhere. If not set, it will search the forum where the topic is being created
maxTopics : 5, // Maximum amount of topics shown
location.pathname == '/post' &&
location.search.indexOf('&mode=newtopic') > -1 &&
(settings.forums === true || settings.forums.some(id => location.search.indexOf(`?f=${id}`) > -1)) &&
$(function() {
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